Prefix to Infix notation Algorithm and Flowchart


Infix notation is a type of notation in which arithmetic expressions are written in a manner such that the operators appear in between the operands.

Prefix notation is a type of notation in which arithmetic expressions are written in a manner such that the operands appear after operators. Let's see how to convert Prefix to Infix.

Flowchart for Prefix to Infix Conversion:

Flowchart for Prefix to Infix Conversion
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Algorithm for Prefix to Infix Conversion:

Step 1: Start Step 2: Read the Prefix expression from right to left. Step 3: If the scanned character is an operand, then push it onto the Stack. Step 4: If the scanned character is an operator, pop two operands from the stack and concatenate them in order of 'operand1,operator, operand2'. Push the result into the stack. Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 until the prefix expression ends. Step 6: Pop all the rest elements of the stack if any. Step 7: Stop


Let's take an example to understand *a+bc,

  1. Reading from right to left, we scan the operands 'c' 'b' respectively and push it into the the stack.
  2. '+' is scanned and operands 'c', 'b' are popped and concatenated in form of b+c
  3. 'a' is then pushed into the stack.
  4. '*', is encountered and 'a' and string 'b+c' is popped and concatenated to give a string a*(b+c)
  5. Postfix form is obtained: a*(b+c)

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    Algorithm for Prefix to Infix notation

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    Prefix to Infix Conversion method