How to Create and Edit Drawings On AutoCAD Web App


AutoCAD is the most advance and helpful program among Landscape designers, Architectures and Engineers. With that, you can develop plans, several graphs and schemes etc. The software is relatively expensive, so if you only need to make several edits to your drawing, you can use the free AutoCAD Web app.

In this article, we will try to guide you on how to edit and create drawings using AutoCAD Web. To start using the AutoCAD Web App, you need to register on basic feature in Autodesk and create a profile with simple details.

How to Create and Edit Drawings On AutoCAD Web App

How to Register on AutoCAD web app?

Go to AutoCAD website and click on Create a free account or Sign In if you already have one. After that, you will be redirected to the AutoCAD Web creator where you can easily start creating or editing your photos. Then Upload Your Image or Create a New Folder To upload an image for editing in AutoCAD, click on Upload in the main page and select a picture you’d like to edit: To edit or create a new drawing on AutoCAD, click on New Drawing button on left hand side.

How to Use Layers on Your Drawing?

Layers help you to save different plan options. For example, if you are working on a house plan, one of the layers can be a geometric plan, plumbing, electricity, furniture etc. Using layers, everyone who works on a project, can work in their own layer without editing other layers but still using them. To add a advance layer in AutoCAD Web, click on Layers in the left-side menu bar and choose Create New layer option.

You can give your layer a color to easily distinguish it from others by clicking on the white box next to the layer of your choice and selecting a color. If you want to hide a layer, you can simply click on the little light icon next to it on your drawing, you will see the layers highlighted with different colors, so you can understand which layer you are currently using and which ones are switched off. To Use Properties on each layer’s data, which can also be useful for your drawing. Here you can see measurements, change colors and line type.

How to Use Drawing Tools?

To creating a drawing or addition of new forms, you can use Several tools located in bottom left side of the screen. Click on Draw and use various forms and tools, such as rectangle, arc, circle, line, pline or hatch.

How to Add Footnotes On Your Plan ?

To add footnotes on your drawing, use the Annotate panel and use different tools of this section. You can click on Measure or Dimensions to measure the lines and figures and leave a note or add a text by clicking on the A icon. Moreover, you can add a note with an arrow by clicking on the last symbol with a circle and an arrow.

How to Modify Drawings?

To modify your drawings, then go to Modify Selection and apply the tools located below figures of it. You can move different parts of your drawing around by clicking on the Move tool, duplicate forms by clicking on the Mirror tool, cut, extend, stretch, rotate and other instruments.

How to Save Your Drawing?

To save your drawing, click on the little arrow icon next to Save in the top right corner, select Save As and choose the folder where you’d like to keep it.

How to Download Your Drawing from autoCAD web?

To download a drawing from AutoCAD Web to your computer, click on AutoDesk icon in the left corner of the screen. Go to the temt folder, where you saved it and click on the recent Download in the top menu.

How to Save a File as PDF?

Your file will be saved in .dwg format. If you’d like to save your file in PDF format, click on the print icon (Plot to PDF) in the top-right corner and choose the Plot style, Paper size or page orientation and click Plot to PDF.



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