Google faces privacy lawsuit for tracking people on thousands of apps even when they opt out


A lawsuit seeking class action alleged Google on Tuesday stating that Google records what people are doing on thousands of mobile apps even when the mobile owners follow the company's recommended settings for stopping such monitoring.

Google faces privacy lawsuit for tracking people on thousands of apps even when they opt out

The law firm Boies Schiller Flexner on behalf a handful of individual consumers is the second data privacy lawsuit filed in as many months against Google. The law firm's clients also have included Tech Giants such as Facebook Inc and Oracle Corp.

As per the new complaint in a U.S. district court in San Jose, it seems Google is violating federal wiretap law and California privacy law by logging what users are looking at in news, ride-hailing and other types of apps despite users have opted to turn off "Web & App Activity" tracking in their Google account settings.

Google did not immediately respond to this request for comment on the filing.

The lawsuit alleges by stating that the data collection happens through Google's Firebase, a set of software popular among app makers for storing data, tracking glitches and clicks, and delivering notifications and ads. Firebase typically operates inside apps invisibly to consumers.

The lawsuit contends "Even when consumers follow Google's own instructions and turn off 'Web & App Activity' tracking on their 'Privacy Controls,' Google nevertheless continues to intercept consumers' app usage and app browsing communications and personal information"

Google uses some Firebase data to make its products and personalize ads and other content for consumers better, according to the lawsuit.

In its case last month, Boies Schiller Flexner accused Google of recording Chrome browser users’ activity even though they activated what Google calls Incognito mode. Google said it would fight the claim.



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