How to count the number of digits of any number using C++


In this tutorial we will learn how can we count the number of Digits from any number using C++ program. When we input any number, that is a combination of digits. Suppose we give an input of 6574, here the number of digits is 4. To calculate the digits of any number we have three possibilities to input values.

  • The Number is a +ve Number
  • The Number is a -ve Number
  • The Number is Zero
How to count the number of digits of any number using C++

So we will write a C++ program which satisfy the above three condition. In this program we will use if statement and while loop to satisfy all the above three condition.

C++ Program To Count The Number Of Digits From Any Number

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int no,a=0; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter any number : "; cin>>no; if(no<0) { no=no * -1; } else if(no==0) { no=1; } while(no>0) { no=no/10; a++; } cout<<"\n No. of digits in given number is: "<<a; getch(); }


Enter any number : -650 No. of digits in given number is : 3


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