Algorithm and Flowchart to Find Area and Circumference of Circle


What is Area of Circle?

The area of circle is the area enclosed inside the dimensions of a circle. Formula for Area of Circle is: Area = π*r*r
To calculate the Area of circle we are given the radius of the circle as input and we use the given formula to calculate the area.

Area of Circle Algorithm:

Step 1: Start Step 2: Input radius Step 3: let pi = 3.14 Step 4: area = pi * radius * radius Step 6: print area Step 7: stop

Flowchart for Area of Circle:

Flowchart for Area of Circle
Remove WaterMark from Above Flowchart

What is Circumference of Circle?

The Circumference of a circle is the total length of the boundary of the circle. Formula for Circumference of Circle is Circumference = 2*π*r
To calculate the Circumference of circle we are given the radius of the circle as input and we use the given formula to calculate the Circumference.

Circumference of Circle Algorithm:

Step 1: Start Step 2: input radius Step 3: let pi = 3.14 Step 5: circumference = 2 * pi * radius Step 6: print circumference Step 7: stop

Flowchart for Circumference of Circle:

Circumference of Circle Flowchart
Remove WaterMark from Above Flowchart


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5 comment
  • Saurabik.c

    This a not correct answer

  • Shaddy

    Thank You Saurabik for pointing out our mistake. We have corrected the formula in circumference flowchart

  • Darji dev

    Draw a flowchart to calculate area of the circle (1)prompt user for the radius of the circle

  • Hamza saadu

    Thank you

  • Pratyush Tripathy

    Symbols used are not correct

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