Algorithm and Flowchart to check whether a given number is Happy Number or not


In this article, we will learn about the algorithm and flowchart to check whether a given number is Happy Number or not, followed by a brief explanation of the algorithm for better understanding.

What are Happy Numbers?

A number is said to be a happy number if it is ultimately equal to 1 after we repeatedly replace the number by the sum of its digits. If we get stuck in an infinite loop, it is not a happy number.
Example: 13, 32, 44, etc.

Let us consider the number 13:
12 + 32 = 10
12 + 02 = 1
Therefore, 13 is a happy number.

Let us consider the number 15:
12 + 52 = 26
22 + 62 = 40
42 + 02 = 16
12 + 62 = 37
32 + 72 = 88
Therefore, as it is getting stuck in an infinite loop, 15 is not a happy number.

Algorithm to check whether a given number is Happy Number or not:

To avoid redundancy, we will use the concept of functions. Here, we will use a function to find out the sum of the square of the digits of a number. While writing the program, we can call this function as many times we want.


Assumption: For this algorithm, we assume that the function takes a number ‘num’, and returns the sum of the square of its digits.
Step 1: Start Step 2: Initialize sum = 0 Step 3. Repeat WHILE num>0: 3.1: rem = num%10 3.2: sum = sum + (rem*rem) 3.3: num = num / 10 Step 5: End WHILE loop Step 6: Return sum Step 7. Stop

Algorithm for happy number checking:

Step 1: Start Step 2: Read the number from the user, say n Step 3: Initialize sum = n Step 4: Repeat WHILE n ? 1 OR n ? 4: 4.1: sum = isHappy(sum) Step 5: End WHILE loop Step 6: IF sum = 1, then: 6.1: Display “Happy Number” Step 7: End IF Step 8: IF sum = 4, then: 8.1: Display “Not Happy Number” Step 9: End IF Step 10: Stop


In this problem, we need to check whether a given number is a happy number or not. To do so, we need to find out the sum of the square of its digits. If the sum yields 1 after recursive addition, the number is a happy number. If the sum is equal to 4, this means we will get stuck in an infinite loop. Therefore, that number will not be a happy number.

We start the algorithm by taking the number to be checked as user input. The value is then stored in a variable, say ‘n’. We then initialize the sum of the number as ‘n’. A loop is started that runs until the sum is not equal to 1 or 4. Here, we call a predefined function isHappy().

The function isHappy() takes a number num and returns the sum of the square of its digits. If the sum is equal to 1 or 4, the loop terminates. Now, if the sum is equal to 1, the number is a happy number, else if the sum is equal to 4, the number is not a happy number.

Flowchart to check whether a given number is happy number or not:

Algorithm and Flowchart to check whether a given number is happy number or not
Remove WaterMark from Above Flowchart


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