Instagram new Feature Restricts Stories Privacy to Close Friend Only


In this era of digitization, social networks have been reigning over the lives of people. Starting from the top-notch celebrities to the common man, everyone has social media accounts and with all the benefits of connectivity that social media gives, it also attaches an issue of breach of privacy. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are some of the top social media networks so to say.

Here, we will be discussing about the new Instagram feature of sharing stories with only close friends. Recently Instagram has launched a feature where the users can share their Insta-stories with their chosen list of close friends only. The number of people on the close friends list can increase from one to above and this is one of the wisest steps taken by Instagram to respect the privacy of its users.

Instagram - Story Sharing with Close Friends, Another Step Towards Privacy Protection

Here is how you can create an Instagram Story to share with close friends only:

  1. Click on the three horizontal bars on the rightmost corner of your Instagram profile
  2. Click on the option of Close Friends
  3. There you can add your followers to the list
  4. Now when you go to add a story and then send it, you get the two options under ‘Send to’: Your story or Close Friends
  5. Select close friends and those selected in the list as your close friends can only view the story

The best thing about it is that the followers on Instagram will never be notified if you add them or remove them from the close friends list – thus maintaining healthy discretion and safeguarding privacy at the same time. This step by Instagram is an attempt at making the user feel more at ease in sharing his or her photos or videos online while restricting the audience at the same time.



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